Junior PHA
The Junior PHA committee aims to involve and educate local junior riders in the activities of the LIPHA. Members have the opportunity to learn the inner workings of the Long Island horse community through assisting at our annual horse show and helping to organize educational clinics and seminars. Members also have access to multiple scholarship and community service opportunities.
The Junior PHA meets on the last Monday of every month at 7 PM via Zoom. Please contact Annie (anniebirm3@gmail.com) with any questions.
2023 Becca Weissbard Award
Presented by the Junior LIPHA and Sponsored by the Ride for Becca Foundation. The Long Island PHA Junior committee created the Becca Weissbard Award in 2017 in remembrance of Rebecca Weissbard in conjunction with the Ride for Becca Foundation and the Weissbard Family. All Long Island junior and associate members are encouraged to apply.
One first place recipient will receive:
- A $500 grant for lessons, clinics, or show fees of the recipient’s choice with a trainer in good standing of the LIPHA. The grant must be used in 2023.
- A prize pack donated by local businesses.
One second place recipient will receive:
- A $250 grant for lessons, clinics, or show fees of the recipient’s choice with a trainer in good standing of the LIPHA. The grant must be used in 2023.
- A prize pack donated by local businesses.
Congratulations to the winner of the 2023 Becca Weissbard Award, Cadence Iurka
2nd Place: Addison Azmoun
3rd Place: Ella Raschdorf
4th Place: Rachel Hirsch